Kitava's Blood - SquareHo Series (DDras)
SquareHOSeries is my new project where i'm using simple square layout in Celestial Nebula Hideout and changing it in many different themes.
All hideouts from SquareHO Series doesn't use MTX Decorations. The only one is Celestial Nebula Hideout.
Hope you'll like it!
Hideout version: 1.1
Total decorations: 242
Uses MTX: No
Total decorations: 242
Uses MTX: No
Decoration name | MTX | Count |
Alva | No | 1 |
Crafting Bench | No | 1 |
Dannig, Warrior Skald | No | 1 |
Einhar | No | 1 |
Guild Stash | No | 1 |
Gwennen, the Gambler | No | 1 |
Helena | No | 1 |
Horticrafting Station | No | 1 |
Jun | No | 1 |
Kirac | No | 1 |
Map Device | No | 1 |
Niko | No | 1 |
Rog, the Dealer | No | 1 |
Sister Cassia | No | 1 |
Stash | No | 1 |
Tane Octavius | No | 1 |
Tujen, the Haggler | No | 1 |
Waypoint | No | 1 |
Expedition Locker | No | 1 |
Heist Locker | No | 1 |
Blood Plane | No | 11 |
Crypt Fire Pit | No | 1 |
Pooling Blood | No | 23 |
Seed of Corruption | No | 2 |
Wall of Spikes | No | 5 |
Absorbed Flesh | No | 1 |
Bulbous Flesh | No | 10 |
Flesh Glob | No | 1 |
Impaled Monster | No | 1 |
Stygian Tick | No | 4 |
Tumorous Cluster | No | 2 |
Beast Egg stalk | No | 3 |
Beast Eyestalk | No | 3 |
Bloody Corpse Pile | No | 2 |
Catapult Ammo | No | 1 |
Corrupted Specks | No | 4 |
Corruption | No | 14 |
Vascular Growth | No | 2 |
Slugs | No | 24 |
Malachai's Dedication | No | 3 |
Kitava Heart | No | 1 |
The Last to Die | No | 1 |
Kaom Rock | No | 58 |
Kitava Head | No | 1 |
Oriathan Child | No | 1 |
Lilly Roth | No | 1 |
Ritual Totem | No | 2 |
Dirt Ground | No | 9 |
Charred Crater | No | 1 |
Maraketh Lantern | No | 4 |
Blocking Volume | No | 21 |
Oriath Weapons Crate | No | 1 |
Sentinel Locker | No | 1 |
Catapult Ball | No | 3 |
Latest version: 1.1
Version number | MTX | Publish date | Total favor | Total decorations | Downloads | Link |
1.1 | No | 2022-06-10 07:25:38 | 1,785,372 | 242 | 663 | Download |
1.1 | 10 Jun 2022 - 07:25
Removed MTX decoration (Beast Egg added accidentally, sorry for that)
Celestial Nebula Hideout
Squareho Series
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